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Giving Back This Holiday Season and Into The New Year!

Oct 7, 2020 11:33:39 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo posted in Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Holiday Reward, Holiday


This year has been nothing short of challenging for people all over the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down, and many companies have had to make significant adjustments to their business models. The holiday season is a big time for giving back. It is not only necessary for individuals to give back but also for businesses and organizations. That is why finding a way to give back with, to, and for your employees is more important than ever this year.

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Retain Your Customers

Aug 12, 2020 11:56:30 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo posted in Customer Service, Incentive Program, Customer Loyalty


You’ve made the sale. The funds are in the bank account, and your customer is walking away with their product or service that you’ve sold to them. Now what? Unless what you’re selling is intended for a one-time sale – which only a handful of businesses can claim to have – you can’t let this customer walk away forever.

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Good Things Come to Those Who Sweat!

Aug 12, 2020 11:35:28 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo posted in Health & Wellness, Incentive Program



It’s no secret that when you feel better, you perform better. So, why not make it the same for your employees? Wellness programs in the workplace can improve your bottom line and the overall atmosphere in the office. 

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