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How to Deal with Summer Brain Dump in the Office

Jul 27, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Motivating Employees, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement, Stress Management, Workplace Culture, Retainment


A summer brain dump is the feeling of being overwhelmed by all the things you need to be doing but doesn't know where to start. It's easy to feel like your brain is slowing down and going into hibernation mode when you're left alone with nothing but free time on your hands while others are on summer vacation. That's why we've put together this list of ways you can keep your mind busy during this time.

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The 6 Most Common Summer Challenges for Remote Workers and How to Overcome Them

Jul 6, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Health & Wellness, Motivating Employees, Remote Working, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement, Stress Management, Employee Experience


You know that feeling you get when you're at home and working on a fun project? You've got your favorite music playing, the lights are dimmed, and there's not another soul in sight. But what happens when you have to work remotely five days out of the week with distractions, roommates (or family), Wi-Fi problems, and no one from your team? That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the most common challenges that remote workers face during the summer months (and beyond) and how to overcome them whether you work from home or oversee remote employees!


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Tips for Supporting a Stressed-Out Workforce.

Sep 21, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Motivating Employees, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement, Stress Management, Employee Experience


It’s no secret that working in a stressful environment for a long time is not good for employees' work and health. As a manager, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the stress your employees face and help them feel supported and positive, even if their to-do lists are long.


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