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Benefits of Digital Rewards

Aug 17, 2022 10:30:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive Program, Customer Loyalty, Loyalty Program, Digital Benefits, Digital Rewards


Digital rewards programs are the latest trend in customer retention, borrowing heavily from the recent wave of gamification. They are one of the best ways to show customers that you care about their experience and value their support for your business. Loyalty programs reward customers for frequent engagement with your brand through a structured marketing strategy with unique activities that fit your audience. The main goal is to increase customer loyalty by rewarding the most profitable customers for repeat purchases and developing habits. Increase the chances of regular customers sharing their joy with your brand no matter where they are with digital rewards.


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Implementing a Successful Customer Loyalty Program

Jul 20, 2022 10:15:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive Program, Customer Loyalty, Customer Acquisition, Customer Experience, Brand Loyalty


Implementing a loyalty program is a subtle message to your current and future customers that your business is not only interested in making money from every purchase, but also would like to benefit customers to maintain good relationships. Incentive programs can speed up the loyalty life cycle by encouraging year 1 or 2 customers to behave like the most profitable customers in year 10, but only if it is planned as part of a larger loyalty management business strategy and implementation. By rewarding recurring engagement, you will increase customer loyalty and grow your business.


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Metrics for Successful Incentive Programs

Jul 6, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Program Management


Determining incentive metrics can be very challenging as it is imperative that they match different goals for the employee, company, investor, and other stakeholders. The right mix of incentives to maximize employee productivity requires a transparent program, motivated leadership, and a dynamic execution strategy.


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Personalization: A Powerful Engagement Tool for Employee's

Mar 31, 2022 10:45:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Gift Cards, personalization, Employee Engagement


You want to create an employee incentive program that keeps both field and office teams motivated and engaged. This approach ensures that you stay on top of the incentives currently driving employee engagement, but what does this look like? Personalizing incentive programs is effective, impactful, and positively affects employee engagement. Here are some examples of incentives that have been proven to attract and motivate employees in the long run.

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Why You Need a Health and Wellness Program and How to Get Started.

Mar 22, 2022 10:34:26 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Health & Wellness, Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Gift Cards, Happy Employees


With ever-increasing health insurance costs and the importance of employee health, employers should consider implementing a well-designed wellness program that benefits both employee health and employers' profits. Employees need to feel supported no matter how big or small the budget is. You can provide that support by offering a wellness program, which in turn can improve both the recruitment and retention of employees in your organization. Prioritizing employees’ well-being cuts health care costs, increases engagement, and reduces absenteeism. A wellness program that focuses on what employees most need and want takes a more proactive and informed approach to healthy living. Here is why you need a wellness program and how to get started.

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Incentive Programs Directly Impact Productivity

Feb 4, 2022 1:16:11 PM / by Lauren Zahakaylo posted in Incentive, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Gift Cards, Happy Employees



Incentive programs have proven effective in optimizing everything from employee engagement and productivity to generating valuable sales and improving client retention. The best incentives are provided through personalized incentive programs that motivate, inspire, and engage all members of your organization. They should be issued on an ongoing basis with a specific set of indicators for improving employee performance. Incentive programs can increase employee productivity by up to 44% and motivate up to 66% of employees to stay with their company.


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Make Rewarding a Priority this Holiday Season

Oct 14, 2021 10:06:05 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo posted in Incentive, Incentive Program, Customer Loyalty, Recognition Program, Holiday Reward, Holiday, Gift Cards, Happy Employees, Employee Recognition



For many companies, the holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year. Many CEOs and managers are anxious to close deals fast and make plans for the new year. Unfortunately, showing employees or customers, they are appreciated during the holidays sometimes falls short.

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Trends in Employee Recognition

Mar 25, 2021 12:10:33 PM / by Julie Feece posted in Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Employee Recognition


Employee recognition programs, once considered a “nice” but non-essential component of human resources, have changed dramatically over the last several years. This shift parallels a growing understanding of the importance of retaining top-performing employees and re-engineering employee recognition as a core business function.

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Motivating Throughout The Year

Jan 28, 2021 2:23:48 PM / by Lauren Zahakaylo posted in Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Gift Cards


As much as we want to believe our employees’ energy levels and engagement shoot back up to 100 percent after the holidays each new year, the truth is motivation is not automatic. Employees still need to be motivated to be at their most productive, and it falls on you to get them inspired for the new year and every day to follow. Although there are plenty of managers out there who believe motivation requires hand-holding or flashy gestures, there are many ways to motivate your employees without taking too much of your time and theirs. Here are a few simple examples of employee incentives that can keep your team focused and motivated in the new year and beyond.

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Why YOU Should Implement a Holiday Incentive Program!

Oct 7, 2020 11:38:30 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo posted in Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Holiday Reward, Holiday


The holidays are upon us! While this is an exciting time for businesses and employees, it is also a time where keeping your team motivated can be challenging. With the stress of holiday shopping, events, end of year goals, and more, it can be challenging to keep productivity and morale up. That is where a holiday incentive program comes in.

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