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Giving Back This Holiday Season and Into The New Year!

Oct 7, 2020 11:33:39 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo

Holiday Give Back

This year has been nothing short of challenging for people all over the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down, and many companies have had to make significant adjustments to their business models. The holiday season is a big time for giving back. It is not only necessary for individuals to give back but also for businesses and organizations. That is why finding a way to give back with, to, and for your employees is more important than ever this year.

Building a company culture of giving-back during the holidays and year-round has many benefits. For one thing, it feels good to make a positive difference, and that positivity trickles down to employees. Companies that participate in philanthropic causes report happier employees, and happier employees make for productive employees.

Other than the fact that helping others makes a significant impact on those that need it, it can also have a positive impact on your brand. Companies that participate in philanthropic causes are regarded in higher value to customers. When a business aligns itself with a charitable cause, it not only benefits the recipients of the giving, but it also creates a culture of giving within the company, which is vital in the world we live in today.

There are many ways in which you can get your business and employees involved in giving back. One of these ways is by offering volunteer days. You can do this by setting aside a certain number of days where employees can volunteer with the charity of their choice. You can also organize a company-wide team to volunteer for a whole week for a charity of your choice. During the holidays, work with your team to pick a charity you are all passionate about and find a way to work with that charity during the holiday months. Either way, you are allowing your employees to give back easily.

Another way you can give back is by getting your customers involved. An excellent way to accomplish this is by a company matching program. When done right, it is a great way to generate fundraising for a specific charitable cause. Another way to do this is by involving your customers to donate to a non-profit. Using programs like GoFundMe, make it VERY easy for businesses to incorporate giving into their existing website. This can be done year-round and not just during the holiday season.

Giving back to your employees is also essential. Using a reward or incentive program is always a great way to show you appreciate your employees. This year, it is crucial to make sure you are meeting your employees' needs. You can do this by providing gifts that they NEED, such as giving gift cards for products or services that employees need and use daily.

A favorite among employees' is a Shell Gift Card. Everyone drives, and driving increases during the holidays with people traveling to celebrate with family members. A Shell Gift Card is a great way to help your employees get to where they want to be during the holidays.

Gift cards to restaurants are another way to give back. Not only does it help the restaurant that the gift card is for, but it helps your employees enjoy a meal where they don't have to pay. Many restaurants offer digital gift cards, making it even easier for you to give to your team. It also makes your employees feel safe as it is an entirely contactless way to give.

Open Loop cards are another easy and flexible way to give back. Reward cards from American Express®, Mastercard®, and Visa®, allow your employees to purchase virtually anything, anywhere. They can use their gift on themselves or use it to buy a family member or friend a gift.

Last but not least, offering extra days off or flexible working hours is a great way to give back. Offering an additional day or two off will not only show you care about your employees, but it can also help boost productivity.

As we all know, most businesses have had to be flexible with where and when their employees are working this year. If your staff is back in the office, offer some remote working days to your team. You could also allow them to work from home through the holiday season. Allowing your employees to work from home helps you adhere to the CDC-recommended COVID-19 preventative measures, especially with the holidays falling during peak flu and cold seasons. Enabling remote work shows that you take the health and safety of your employees seriously.


SOURCES: Porteous, C. (2020, September 08). 4 Ways Companies Can Foster a Culture of Giving Back. Retrieved October 06, 2020, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/355133; Jennings, Laura. "Council Post: Say Goodbye To 2020 Sooner Rather Than Later: Holiday Planning Starts Now." Forbes, Forbes Magazine, October 05, 2020, www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2020/10/05/say-goodbye-to-2020-sooner-rather-than-later-holiday-planning-starts-now/; Gray, J. (2020, October 01). 5 Creative Ways Businesses Can Reward Their Employees During the Holidays. Retrieved from https://goodmenproject.com/business-ethics-2/5-creative-ways-businesses-can-reward-their-employees-during-the-holidays/


Tags: Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Holiday Reward, Holiday

Lauren Zahakaylo

Written by Lauren Zahakaylo

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