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How to Create a Powerful Safety Incentive Program

Mar 19, 2024 12:31:23 PM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive Program, Safety, Rewarding, Program Management, Workplace Culture


A strong safety incentive program not only promotes a safe work environment, but it also motivates and rewards employees for their commitment. In this blog post, we will guide you through various types of incentives and how to use them in a safety program. With the help of creativity, your team will be inspired to prioritize safety and achieve your organization's safety goals!


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Five Essential Tools Every B2B Business Needs for Success

Mar 11, 2024 11:34:28 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in leadership, Gift Cards, Program Management, Employee Experience, Workplace Culture


It's no secret that marketing and sales are essential to any B2B company. However, it's not enough to simply develop a solid brand and put out some great content. If your business is going to thrive in the modern marketplace, you need the right tools for success. In this article, we'll highlight what those tools are and how they can help make your B2B marketing strategy more effective than ever before!

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How to Create a Sales Incentive Program that Works for Your Team

Sep 5, 2023 9:45:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Happy Employees, Program Management, Sales, Workplace Culture


There are plenty of sales incentive programs out there. You might have even tried one, only to be disappointed by lackluster results. Suppose you're looking for a program that works for your team and can increase performance. In that case, we've got just the thing: a guide to spark inspiration for creating an effective sales incentive program. 


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Tools for Building a Loyal Customer Base

Jun 6, 2023 3:36:55 PM / by Julianna Castro posted in Customer Acquisition, Loyalty Program, Customer Experience, Program Management


Many free tools are available to help your business grow its customer base and keep them engaged over time. The key is knowing what works best for your industry and customers, then using those tools consistently (and well). Here are some of our favorite tools for building a loyal customer base.

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8 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement.

Apr 26, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Motivating Employees, Recognition Program, Employee Engagement, Program Management, Employee Wellness, Workplace Culture


Managers and leaders all over the world are always looking for ways to improve employee engagement. They want their employees to be happy, fulfilled, and willing to go above and beyond on a daily basis. But how do you do this? How do you motivate your workers so that they feel like they're contributing something meaningful with each day's work? The answer is simple: by creating an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated in these eight ways.


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How to Start a Customer Loyalty Program.

Mar 22, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive Program, Customer Loyalty, Loyalty Program, Customer Experience, Program Management


Starting a customer loyalty program is a great way to make your business more profitable. Loyalty programs can help you keep track of your best customers, make them feel special, and encourage repeat purchases. The most important part of any loyalty program is choosing the right reward for your customers. Here are some tips on how to get started.


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Increase Health & Wellness Program Participation in the New Year.

Dec 21, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Health & Wellness, Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Program Management


The New Year is the perfect time to make changes in your life—and that goes for your employees too! One way to encourage employees to make positive changes for their health and wellness is with an incentive program. It is time for you to meet company goals such as increasing participation rates and encouraging behavior change.

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Implementing a Sales Incentive Program.

Oct 5, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive, Incentive Program, Rewarding, Program Management, Sales


Ultimately, your incentive scheme should inspire your reps and make them feel valued and motivated to work hard. This way, your sales leads will be motivated to outdo themselves and your average reps will still have an achievable goal to reach. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of implementing an effective sales incentive program.

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Metrics for Successful Incentive Programs

Jul 6, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Program Management


Determining incentive metrics can be very challenging as it is imperative that they match different goals for the employee, company, investor, and other stakeholders. The right mix of incentives to maximize employee productivity requires a transparent program, motivated leadership, and a dynamic execution strategy.


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