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Incentive Programs Directly Impact Productivity

Feb 4, 2022 1:16:11 PM / by Lauren Zahakaylo

Main Article - Incentive Program Productivity for Blog


Incentive programs have proven effective in optimizing everything from employee engagement and productivity to generating valuable sales and improving client retention. The best incentives are provided through personalized incentive programs that motivate, inspire, and engage all members of your organization. They should be issued on an ongoing basis with a specific set of indicators for improving employee performance. Incentive programs can increase employee productivity by up to 44% and motivate up to 66% of employees to stay with their company.


Incentives are not only good for your business, but they are also good for the happiness and well-being of your employees. Incentivizing your employees motivates them to do their job and to stay with your company longer. You can’t buy company loyalty from your employees, but incentives for consistently good work and overall productivity builds loyalty and commitment.  


Companies with successful incentive programs attract more interest from potential job candidates because they are committed to rewarding outstanding work. In addition to making first-class employees feel valued, incentive programs also help overcome the productivity plateau that usually occurs after the implementation of labor standards. Employers can provide a combination of incentives based on sales metrics, productivity, and other predefined criteria based on their business goals. 


To keep the employee from feeling like a fish in a big ocean, incentives are vital to retaining highly motivated and talented employees, especially if problem employees receive the most time and attention from managers. You can design effective incentives to increase productivity by understanding what motivates your employees. Monetary and non-monetary incentives can stimulate the engine, significantly increasing productivity and possible profits. In addition to financial incentives, consider providing non-monetary creative incentives to employees to improve morale and productivity.


Offering more free time is a creative incentive to inspire employees to be more productive in the workplace. While this is probably not the most common way, it will bring long-term benefits to improve productivity in the workplace. For example, perhaps a particular employee is doing exceptional work and has a noticeable increase in productivity after having more breaks throughout the day.


Unlike performance bonuses, which are paid as fixed-rate rewards, performance-based rewards increase employee rewards through long-term salary increases. Sales incentives are usually performance-based incentive plans that gradually increase rewards based on the value employees create for the company. A Bank of America’s Workplace Benefits Report showed that the most popular financial rewards include cash rewards, such as gift or reward cards (29%), discounts or cashpoint programs (14%), health insurance and benefits, or discounts on other products (11%). .. and lottery (11%).


Incentive programs work. Different programs have produced different results such as employee retention, quality and quantity improvements, and rapid sales growth.


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Tags: Incentive, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Gift Cards, Happy Employees

Lauren Zahakaylo

Written by Lauren Zahakaylo

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