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Tips for Motivating Remote Employees

May 2, 2022 10:44:00 AM / by Julianna Castro

Person having a fun conversation on zoom with happy people.

If you're having a hard time managing your team remotely, you're not alone. Remote work has several benefits, such as lower employee turnover and better employee retention, making it easier for both employers and employees. However, keeping employees motivated during the COVID-19 outbreak can be challenging. Implementing creative solutions to fit a remote setting can help your virtual team adapt to changes and be comfortable with uncertainty.  Whether you're new to remote team management or have years of remote driving experience, this article will teach you how to energize and inspire members of your virtual team all from home.


#1 Investigate Environments Your Employees Thrive In

Working remotely is a positive experience for many employees, while being mentally and emotionally demanding for others. Remote workers are generally happier than other employees, and HR professionals know that happy employees are more likely to be productive. Flexible working hours are also a benefit for remote workers but be clear if you need your employees to engage during certain hours. Observe if they work better on team projects or individually and examine what areas need improvement. Employees can be successful by identifying their individual needs and most productive work environment.


#2 Produce Creative Communication Channels

Communication should not only be about work matters, but anything that makes remote workers feel connected to the rest of the team. Collaboration is a key component of a successful team, but it is impossible to communicate effectively with disconnected employees. A fun idea is to create an internal newsletter to go out biweekly that covers topics such as office stories, employee quotes, spotlights on star employees, or any news and updates. This can be an exciting way to connect remote workers as well as gain insight about what’s happening in the office, whether they are fully remote, on leave, or on vacation and need some catching up.


#3 Check-In with Employees

There is also a possibility that remote workers may feel under-motivated due to the lack of a normal office environment and regular communication with colleagues. If the same employee were in the office, people would notice their mood changes and be able to say words of encouragement or congratulations, whichever is appropriate. To create an effective and motivating feedback system, managers can organize a separate meeting with their team and express their views on the employee's work.


#4 Understand Their Personality Type

The ability to hire almost anyone has opened doors and opportunities to find the best talent for your organization. A fun activity is having your employees take different personality tests to gain better insight, understand how to work together, and bond with them from afar. Many of these tests are free online, but paid tests offer a full analysis that can be beneficial for employees adjusting to a remote role. Here are some quick ones as reference:

  • Enneagrams: This assessment analyzes nine personality types into numbers to demonstrate how they relate and differentiate from each other. The different types include the giver, achiever, individualist, skeptic, enthusiast, challenger, peacemaker, and perfectionist.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: This is one of the most popular personality tests, often given during the hiring process. Each personality type is composed of four categories: extraversion vs. introversion, judging vs. perceiving, intuition vs. sensing, and thinking vs. feeling.
  • Clifton Strengths: This one identifies your top five strengths out of 34 in a detailed report. The paid version includes the full list from first to last and how to develop those at the bottom and strengthen those at the top.

#5 Reward Effort with Gift Cards 

Fortunately, there are ways to keep remote team members engaged and motivated, even when they're fully remote. Small things like praising or highlighting the accomplishments of remote workers in an office group at a team meeting can go a long way toward motivating remote workers. You can also motivate remote teams by encouraging them to look for opportunities for personal and professional development or attending incentivized events. Showing your team that you care about their work and professional development with gift cards could be the validation your employees need to take risks and try more innovative approaches, further motivating your team. At RPG, we are here to fulfill all of your gift card needs from personalization to customer portals. Learn more about our services at RPG Card Services or give us a call at (888) 774-0125.


While managing a remote workforce requires a proactive approach, its goals are not much different from what you would do to support employees in a traditional workplace. Smart remote motivation methods help employees enjoy their daily commute, even if the journey is as short as working from the bedroom to the living room. These tips will make it easier to work remotely and help you build a team, build engagement, and initiate innovative thinking.


Sources: https://blog.hubstaff.com/motivating-employees-who-work-remotely/; https://www.goodfirms.co/resources/tips-motivate-remote-workers; https://www.letsdeel.com/blog/how-to-motivate-remote-employees; https://hbr.org/2020/04/how-to-keep-your-team-motivated-remotely; https://possibleworks.com/blog/9-ways-to-keep-employees-motivated-while-working-from-home/; https://gethppy.com/company-culture/main-ways-to-effectively-motivate-remote-employees; https://www.forbes.com/sites/nealtaparia/2020/05/06/5-easy-ways-to-motivate-your-remote-team/; https://www.thealternativeboard.com/blog/5-ways-to-keep-virtual-employees-motivated; https://myva360.com/blog/how-to-motivate-your-remote-employees-2020; https://inside.6q.io/manage-motivate-remote-workforce/; https://teambuilding.com/blog/motivate-remote-employees; https://blog.bonus.ly/remote-workers-engaged-and-motivated; https://www.truity.com/enneagram/what-is-enneagram#:~:text=The%20Enneagram%20is%20a%20system,types%20relate%20to%20one%20another; https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/jobs-for-myers-briggs-personality-type; https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/252137/home.aspx

Tags: Motivating Employees, Remote Working, Covid-19, Gift Cards, Employee Engagement

Julianna Castro

Written by Julianna Castro

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