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How to Deal with Summer Brain Dump in the Office

Jul 27, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro

An employee with sticky notes over the eyes on the computer

A summer brain dump is the feeling of being overwhelmed by all the things you need to be doing but doesn't know where to start. It's easy to feel like your brain is slowing down and going into hibernation mode when you're left alone with nothing but free time on your hands while others are on summer vacation. That's why we've put together this list of ways you can keep your mind busy during this time.


5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Summer

Take Regular Breaks

When you're feeling overwhelmed, take a break or walk. A walk outside with fresh air can do wonders for your brain and body, even around the office! It's easy to get stuck in your little bubble of concentration at work but taking a few minutes to talk with coworkers about their projects or how their weekend was will help keep you engaged with others in the office (and make them feel more supported). At least 20 minutes of walking or yoga daily helps improve cognitive function by boosting blood flow throughout the brain. Schedule a lunch break outside with coworkers (or colleagues down the hall). This will give everyone time away from their desks to talk about something other than work!


Invest in Plants

Finding the right plant for your office can brighten the space, improve productivity and concentration, reduce stress, and increase job satisfaction. Plants help filter toxins and pollutants from the air, improving indoor air quality and reducing the risk of respiratory problems. Some plants even help absorb sound and reduce noise levels in the office to create a more peaceful work environment. You could go with something minor, like a succulent or cactus, but if you're more ambitious and have room for something significant, consider getting an air plant--they don't need soil and can be hung from the ceiling! Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure it's not poisonous; some plants are toxic when eaten or touched.
  • Don't put it near anything electrical or flammable (like candles).
  • Choose plants that will thrive in the conditions of your office environment.


Start a Summer Reading List or Book Club.

Summer is a great time to catch up on reading and start a book club among employees who love to do it! Reading can be a fantastic way to keep your brain active during the warmer months. You don't need a specific book to start your summer reading list; magazines work just as well! Magazines like National Geographic or Smithsonian will give you plenty of information about history, science, and culture without being too heavy on details. This gives a fun way to connect people in and out of the office while stimulating mental growth.


Create a Doodle Wall or Sketchbook Wall in Your Office.

Use a whiteboard or dry-erase board and designate a time when you can sit and doodle every day. This must be a scheduled activity so that your brain knows it's time to relax and let go of the day's stressors, whether big or small tasks left unfinished. You could also try using an app like Doodly, which allows you to take photos of your sketches with a phone camera for easy sharing with colleagues who might appreciate them!


Keep your brain active with Puzzles and Brain Games in the Office.

A summer brain dump is a real thing, and keeping your brain active during the summer is essential. Brain exercises can help you stay sharp and focused throughout the year--and they're especially beneficial in the summertime when many of us are prone to letting our minds wander.


If you're at work looking for a mental boost, here are some examples you can use!

  • Sudoku: Sudoku is a popular number puzzle game that can help improve concentration and problem-solving skills. It can be played on paper or online, with many difficulty levels.
  • Crosswords are another popular puzzle game that can help improve vocabulary and memory. They can be played on paper or online, with many difficulty levels.
  • Brain teasers: Brain teasers are puzzles or riddles that require creative thinking and problem-solving skills. They can be found in books or online, and there are many different types, such as logic, word, and visual puzzles.
  • Jigsaw puzzles: Jigsaw puzzles can help improve spatial reasoning and problem-solving skills. They can be done alone or as a team, with many difficulty levels.
  • Memory games: Memory games, such as matching or concentration games, can help improve memory and concentration skills. They can be played on paper or online, and there are many different types.

By incorporating these brain puzzles and games into the workday, employees can take a break from their work tasks and engage in activities that can help improve their cognitive abilities and productivity.


And That's All for Now

Summer is a great time to keep your brain active, but it can also be challenging for office workers. That's why we've come up with some easy ways that you can keep your mind sharp during these warmer months. The most important thing is to remember that there are no right or wrong answers to keeping your brain engaged; all it takes is some creativity and willingness on your part!


Source: Top Health Benefits of Walking Each Day for Your Brain & Body (brainmd.com)Yoga for better mental health - Harvard Healthhttps://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/indoor-plants-can-instantly-boost-your-health-happiness-ncna781806https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4419447/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0360132316304336https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/urban-mindfulness/200903/why-plants-in-the-office-make-us-more-productivehttps://www.sudoku.com/https://www.nytimes.com/crosswordshttps://www.brainzilla.com/https://www.jigsawplanet.com/https://www.memory-improvement-tips.com/memory-games.html

Tags: Motivating Employees, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement, Stress Management, Workplace Culture, Retainment

Julianna Castro

Written by Julianna Castro

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