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Julianna Castro

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How to Deal with Summer Brain Dump in the Office

Jul 27, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Motivating Employees, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement, Stress Management, Workplace Culture, Retainment


A summer brain dump is the feeling of being overwhelmed by all the things you need to be doing but doesn't know where to start. It's easy to feel like your brain is slowing down and going into hibernation mode when you're left alone with nothing but free time on your hands while others are on summer vacation. That's why we've put together this list of ways you can keep your mind busy during this time.

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The 6 Most Common Summer Challenges for Remote Workers and How to Overcome Them

Jul 6, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Health & Wellness, Motivating Employees, Remote Working, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement, Stress Management, Employee Experience


You know that feeling you get when you're at home and working on a fun project? You've got your favorite music playing, the lights are dimmed, and there's not another soul in sight. But what happens when you have to work remotely five days out of the week with distractions, roommates (or family), Wi-Fi problems, and no one from your team? That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the most common challenges that remote workers face during the summer months (and beyond) and how to overcome them whether you work from home or oversee remote employees!


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Employers Can Develop a Safety Culture with Incentive Programs

Jun 20, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive, Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Safety, Workplace Culture


A strong safety culture is an essential part of any business. It can help prevent accidents and injuries, improve productivity, and lowering healthcare costs. A safety culture starts with leadership, but it's also crucial that employees feel that they're being rewarded for their efforts toward creating a safe environment. Incentives can be used to reward employees for safety excellence, encourage safe work practices, and even help develop a safety culture. That's where incentive programs come in: they encourage employees to think about safety every day—and get rewarded when they do so successfully!


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Tools for Building a Loyal Customer Base

Jun 6, 2023 3:36:55 PM / by Julianna Castro posted in Customer Acquisition, Loyalty Program, Customer Experience, Program Management


Many free tools are available to help your business grow its customer base and keep them engaged over time. The key is knowing what works best for your industry and customers, then using those tools consistently (and well). Here are some of our favorite tools for building a loyal customer base.

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Productivity Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Office.

May 12, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro


Spring is a time of renewal and the perfect way to start fresh in your office. There are many ways to get rid of clutter, including purging old files, clearing away unneeded furniture, and even rethinking the layout of your office space. In addition to these tangible ways of tidying up, there are some more abstract ways you can clean up your workspace as well: by systematizing your cleaning processes so that they're easier for everyone involved (including yourself!) to follow through on each week. Here are our tips for spring cleaning in the office!


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8 Benefits of Using Gift Cards for Your Business.

May 10, 2023 8:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive, Digital Gift Cards, Customer Acquisition, Gift Cards, Rewarding, Trends


You've probably heard that gift cards are a great way to boost holiday sales, but did you know they can also help your business in many other ways? You might be surprised. Gift cards are easy to implement, and their benefits go way beyond convenience alone. That's why we've put together this list of eight reasons why gift cards are a smart move for businesses of all kinds!


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8 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement.

Apr 26, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Motivating Employees, Recognition Program, Employee Engagement, Program Management, Employee Wellness, Workplace Culture


Managers and leaders all over the world are always looking for ways to improve employee engagement. They want their employees to be happy, fulfilled, and willing to go above and beyond on a daily basis. But how do you do this? How do you motivate your workers so that they feel like they're contributing something meaningful with each day's work? The answer is simple: by creating an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated in these eight ways.


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How to Start a Customer Loyalty Program.

Mar 22, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive Program, Customer Loyalty, Loyalty Program, Customer Experience, Program Management


Starting a customer loyalty program is a great way to make your business more profitable. Loyalty programs can help you keep track of your best customers, make them feel special, and encourage repeat purchases. The most important part of any loyalty program is choosing the right reward for your customers. Here are some tips on how to get started.


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How to Motivate Healthcare Employees.

Mar 8, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Incentive, Motivating Employees, Happy Employees, Employee Appreciation, Employee Wellness, Healthcare


Motivating employees can be challenging in any industry but is essential in the healthcare environment. The work environment is often stressful and demanding, which can make it difficult to sustain high performance levels among staff members. Healthcare organizations are also under pressure to meet the unique challenges, values, strict regulatory requirements, and priorities present in this environment. They need quality care at affordable prices while keeping employees motivated—not an easy task! Fortunately, there are ways to motivate employees when working in this industry.


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How to Build a Strong Workplace Culture.

Feb 22, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro posted in Motivating Employees, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement, Employee Appreciation, Employee Experience, Workplace Culture


Let’s face it: the workplace can be a challenging place. New employees are learning about your company, and existing employees may be settling into their new roles. Everyone is trying to navigate relationships with co-workers, figure out how to do their jobs well, and grow professionally. Your role as a manager or leader is to help everyone feel supported—and it starts with building a strong culture.


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