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Gift Card Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts for Professional Gifting

May 13, 2024 11:06:44 AM / by Julianna Castro

Young businessman giving a gift to a coworker

Gifting in a professional setting can be a tricky endeavor. While gift cards are a popular choice for many occasions, there are certain etiquette guidelines to consider to ensure your gift is well-received and appropriate. Here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind when giving gift cards in a professional context.

Gift Card Etiquette 1:1


Consider the appropriateness: Before giving a gift card, ensure that it is appropriate in your professional context and aligns with the recipient's preferences. One way to determine their preferences is by conducting a survey or having informal conversations to understand their interests and hobbies.


Personalize the gift: Select a gift card that reflects the recipient's interests, hobbies, or professional goals to show thoughtfulness in your choice. At RPG Card Services, you can take personalization to the next level by co-branding with your logo or fully customizing a gift card to fit your unique needs. This feature is ideal for sales incentive programs, wellness rewards, employee awards, and more. With the ability to customize both the card design and sleeve, you can make a lasting impression that aligns with your brand values.


Pay attention to value: Determining the ideal gift card value amount by occasion can vary depending on factors such as the recipient's relationship, personal preferences, and the occasion itself. Here are some general guidelines to consider:
  • Birthdays and Holidays: For birthdays and major holidays, the ideal gift card value can range from $25 to $100 or more. Everyone loves a good holiday bonus!
  • Weddings and Work Anniversaries: For weddings and anniversaries, it is common to give larger gift card amounts, usually ranging from $100 to $500. You’ll want to recognize your employees for their milestone achievements by leaving a lasting impression.
  • Thank You or Appreciation Gifts: For thank you or appreciation gifts, the value of the gift card depends on the level of appreciation and the relationship with the recipient. Generally, gift card amounts between $25 and $100 are considered appropriate.


Present the gift thoughtfully: Take the time to package the gift card nicely and include a handwritten note expressing your appreciation and good wishes. If your workplace is remote, many gift card providers offer digital gift cards that can be personalized with fun animations or customized messages. These can be sent via email or messaging apps, making it easy to give a thoughtful gift from anywhere in the world. Whatever presentation style you choose, remember that the small details can make a big difference when it comes to gift-giving.


Follow company policies: Familiarize yourself with any gifting policies or guidelines set by your company or organization to ensure compliance. Many companies have policies in place to maintain ethical standards, prevent conflicts of interest, and avoid misunderstandings in the workplace. These policies may include restrictions on gift values, types of gifts allowed, and any reporting procedures that need to be followed when giving or receiving gifts.


Ensure equal treatment: If gifting multiple team members or colleagues, make sure the gift cards are of equal value to avoid misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Ensure that the differences in gift card values are negligible and the thoughtfulness behind the gesture remains consistent if there are budget restrictions. Taking these steps will help maintain a fair and inclusive work environment, ensuring that everyone feels appreciated and valued for their efforts.



Avoid overly personal gifts: Steer clear of gift cards that might be seen as too personal or intimate. When giving a gift card in a professional setting, it is important to maintain appropriate boundaries and avoid crossing any lines that could make the recipient uncomfortable.


Steer clear of controversial options: Avoid gift cards related to divisive political or religious affiliations that could potentially offend the recipient. It's essential to maintain a neutral and inclusive approach when selecting a gift card in a professional or personal setting.


Don't be generic but be smart: Make an effort to choose a gift card that shows thoughtfulness and a genuine understanding of the recipient. It's important to consider the recipient's location, preferences, and needs when selecting a gift card. Different areas may have unique businesses or establishments that are well-known and preferred by locals. If possible, try to find out if there are any local businesses or establishments that the recipient frequents or enjoys. On the flip side, you also don’t want to give a gift card to a business that isn’t near them. This is especially important when gifting remote employees.


Don't overlook cultural and lifestyle considerations: Be mindful of differences in cultural, lifestyle, and gift-giving traditions that may impact your choice of gift card or presentation style. For instance, if you know that someone is vegetarian, it would be wise to avoid purchasing a gift card to a steakhouse. Instead, opt for a restaurant or marketplace that offers a variety of vegetarian options. Furthermore, not everyone celebrates the same holidays or observes them in the same way. Taking the time to consider these nuances can help ensure that your gift is well-received and demonstrates your respect for diversity and inclusivity.


Avoid regifting: It is considered inappropriate to regift a previously received gift card; instead, purchase a new gift card specifically for the intended recipient. No one wants to feel like an afterthought or that they're not worth a new gift. When you regift a gift card, it can come across as insincere or lacking in effort, potentially making the recipient feel undervalued or unimportant. By taking the time to select a new gift card tailored to the recipient's tastes and interests, you show that you have put thought and consideration into your gesture.


And That’s All for Now

By following these do's and don'ts of gift card etiquette, you can ensure that your professional gifting is thoughtful, appropriate, and well-received. Remember, the intention behind the gift is just as important as the gift itself!


Sources: Study finds the 50 best gift cards in 2023 for any occasion | Kiplinger, Gift-Giving Budget Guide (cardsnacks.com), How Much Should You Spend on a Gift Card? Analysis and Examples (giftcardgranny.com)

Tags: Incentive, Gift Cards, Happy Employees, Employee Recognition, Employee Appreciation, Employee Experience, Psychology

Julianna Castro

Written by Julianna Castro

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