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Leadership Traits Anyone Can Bring Back to Work

Aug 17, 2020 7:17:53 PM / by Lauren Zahakaylo



People will be making the transition from remote to in-person, and leadership in the workplace is needed more than ever. The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the workplace as we know it, and people need to adapt to see continued success in their companies.

There will be multiple changes in procedures upon return, but the need for leadership remains constant, as employees will have a variety of emotions. The tragedy of COVID-19 has affected everyone in different ways and has been harder on some people more than others. Now is a time for us to come together and support each other in and out of the workplace. Leadership traits are a powerful tool that anyone can use. Here are some leadership traits employees and management can bring back with them.




As people return to work, a sense of openness between everyone is needed for success. Managers need to be honest with their employees and not hold back. Pretending everything is going well when it is not, could lead to damage in the long run. Even if the news isn’t good, it needs to be shared. People will respond better when they are shared information, better than when in situations where they do not know anything. An open line of communication with everyone on the team will build trust.


Dependable Fact-Based Communication


Gathering everyone and sharing consistent updates with them will be valuable in a post-coronavirus workplace. The consistency in people’s lives was interrupted by the pandemic and found they could not count on anything being set in stone. Keeping employees in the know will be useful for bringing organizations together and reducing anxiety. Employees will appreciate having a constant in their lives even if it is just a line of communication.




It is important to keep in mind that people have been affected in many ways. Some employees may have experienced tragedy during the pandemic. Leadership in the organization needs to show empathy during this time and remind their employees they are there for them. Sending out positive words of inspiration or reaching out to employees who appear to be struggling can go a long way. If you are not empathetic, do your best to learn from those who are and use them for help. Your company may be in a fragile state and being insensitive could further those issues.


Being Flexible and Adjust to Change


Companies have proven to be adaptable with the short-term notice of switching most everything to online and remote. As employees come back into the workplace and things change, they must adapt to changes. Leaders not showing flexibility could generate lasting adverse effects on the company. Come back with a strategic plan but know that it could require adjustments at any time. Don’t get upset when things don’t work out, but instead figure out how to work through them.




Don’t be afraid to tell people you don’t know. If you do not know, allow someone who does to fill in the blanks. Do some research and try to learn about topics you are not familiar with. It takes a humble leader to admit when they do not know something and takes the time to find the answer.


Effective Listening


Employees may be anxious to return to the workplace even, with new safety precautions. Companies have been making it a priority to take care of their customers and employees during the pandemic. Effectively listening to people can be a crucial strategy for the success of the company. We are all finding out how important human connection is and listening to others. Leaders can’t make everyone perfectly happy but listening and staying aware of the employee’s needs will make the transition more successful.


In times like these, we need each other, and taking positive traits into the office can go a long way.

Tags: Covid-19, leadership

Lauren Zahakaylo

Written by Lauren Zahakaylo

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