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Using Social Media to Reward Customers

Jun 27, 2022 12:11:32 PM / by Julianna Castro

Using Social Media to Reward Customers

In today's interconnected world, brand loyalty hinges on your ability to leverage the power of social media to connect with your prospects and customers. Anyone can interact with your brand 24/7 through a variety of digital channels by sending direct messages looking for support, posting reviews of your service or product quality, sharing them on their network, or inviting a friend to your website. Using social media to build brand loyalty isn't just about posting new products or updates; but it can lead to achieving business goals when used correctly. The best way to build strong relationships between your business and its customers is to provide them with incentives to remain loyal.



Social Media’s Role


Social media sites play a critical role in increasing customer loyalty to a company. Many companies take advantage of social media to inform their customers about new services, post fresh articles on topics in their industry, post fun photos, inspirational quotes, and more. Facebook, a widely used social platform, can be used for reward programs to post reviews of specific services or products. Instagram, another company owned by Meta, consistently updates its interface to benefit users and businesses. Different features include Instagram Stories, Reels, Guides, and Highlights. Businesses use Twitter to relax their tone and interact with customers, strengthening their brand identity through this viral network. Marketers use these platforms to build brand awareness and attract leads to anyone from anywhere.



Reward through a Loyalty Program


Loyalty marketing is all about returning and retaining existing and past customers with the incentives that work best for your business. Social media and online communities are ideal platforms for a customer reward program and can offer new opportunities for entrepreneurs in any field. Start by creating great products or services and planning for first-time engagement. Then structure a clear reward program that advances your business goals and next steps. After that, use social media to build, reach, and satisfy your audience and expand their experience throughout the program. 


Many brands struggle to capitalize on their loyalty programs, not knowing how to best use social media to connect with these customers. These actions build customer loyalty and reward users for the actions they already love to do, while also growing your social communities, attracting new customers, and building trust in your brand.



Reward with a Digital Discount


Prepare special promotions and discount codes for customers who follow you on a specific platform. These discount codes can only be found on your selected platform, meaning that your most loyal customers will find them first and people who shop for similar items will discover your company. If the discount is under $100 in savings, show it off in the form of a percentage. If the discount is over $100, display this discount in a numerical currency instead. You can discover which platform is most successful for your business by tracking results on your social channels.



Reward with Special Contests


Active customer engagement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms is a vital way to attract loyal customers. You’ll want to gain and retain brand followers who continue to buy your products and services and act as brand ambassadors. Running a virtual contest allows new users to find your products through their trusted friends and family. If you want to award only loyal customers, make a bigger ask in the giveaway. A valuable award will attract many customers to explore your business.



Get to Know Customers


Customers can be loyal to you but switch to a cheaper or newer brand. To build brand loyalty, you must be willing to respond to those who take the time to interact with your company, for better or for worse. Even if you have a negative customer, a positive social media customer service experience can make a difference. Thank your customers personally by contacting them, responding to their reviews, and tracking any suggestions they may have made.


Target specific groups like existing customers who already interact with your brand to share out polls or surveys to find out what your customers want to see next in a cost-effective manner. Small businesses can get enough feedback and be successful simply by giving users something free to interact with your company. By rewarding their input and connecting with them, this strategy can make the best customers feel special and share something unique.



Loyalty is dynamic; you need to constantly give your customers a reason to come back. The ability to communicate with customers on a deeper level has become widespread, making it even more important to use the tools offered to build strong relationships. By exceeding customer expectations with every interaction, your loyalty program can deepen the relationship with every customer and make you the most valuable brand to shop for.



Cited Sources: https://blog.smile.io/5-best-social-media-rewards-campaigns/, https://www.searchenginepeople.com/blog/8-ways-to-use-social-media-to-reward-customer-loyalty.html, https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/6-ways-to-socially-reward-your-customers/, https://www.i-scoop.eu/engagement-has-its-rewards-in-social-media/, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/04/05/how-to-leverage-social-media-to-build-brand-loyalty/, https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2019/07/18/loyalty-marketing, http://webnow.com/ways-to-reward-loyal-customers-on-social-media/, https://www.ovrdrv.com/blog/reward-your-customers-using-social-media-in-these-6-ways/, https://www.mdgadvertising.com/marketing-insights/a-6-step-plan-for-making-your-rewards-program-more-social/, https://mention.com/en/blog/social-media-customer-loyalty/, https://hbr.org/2019/12/using-social-media-to-connect-with-your-most-loyal-customers, https://sproutsocial.com/insights/brand-loyalty/, https://makewebbetter.com/blog/seven-ways-enhance-social-media-loyalty-programs/, https://www.socialandloyal.com/best-loyalty-programs-that-incorporate-social-media/, https://blog.nextbee.com/2019/06/07/reward-program-engaging-customers-through-social-media/,  https://blog.nextbee.com/2019/06/07/reward-program-engaging-customers-through-social-media/, https://www.tippingpointlabs.com/insight/7-ways-social-media-rewards-the-brain/

Tags: Customer Loyalty, Rewarding, Social Media, Loyalty Program, Customer Experience, Digital Marketing

Julianna Castro

Written by Julianna Castro

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