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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

Aug 12, 2020 10:58:27 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo



Without good teamwork, morale in the workplace can reduce and employees may not be willing to work together. Business is difficult to progress when employees aren’t getting along. Encouraging a teamwork environment can boost morale and sales, making employees want to come to work and work hard.

Make Sure Roles are Clarified

If employees are unsure who is in charge when you’re out, there can be a power struggle. Although it’s typical that the employee who has been working at the business the longest ranks higher than a newer employee, this isn’t always the case. On days when you aren’t around, make sure employees know who to refer to when there is an issue if it isn’t already established.


Set Goals

It’s hard to keep everyone on the same page when goals are not set. If everyone’s ideas of what the long-term goals are of the business are different, people may work in conflicting ways. Clearly define what the goals are for your business, and let employees know so they can work together to achieve them.


Reward Teamwork


When employees know you notice them working together, they’re more apt to work together in the future. Rewarding teamwork encourages employees to continue to keep up the good work together. Reward teamwork by acknowledging it in front of others or by giving the collaborating coworkers a physical reward like a gift card to their favorite restaurant.



Establish Effective Communication

Practicing good communication is essential to teamwork. If coworkers aren’t able to communicate effectively with each other, there’s less of a chance they’ll be willing or able to work together at all. Leading by example is a great start for effective communication. From there, listening to employees’ concerns about how others communicate with them and how you can solve these issues can help communication in the future.


Hire Wisely

No team of employees is perfect, but some coworkers work better together than with others. When hiring new employees, it is important to keep in mind your current employees. Will this new employee add to the team? Or will they clash with another team member? If the potential new hire might clash with a current employee, consider if they may work better in a different department.


Tags: Motivating Employees, Teamwork

Lauren Zahakaylo

Written by Lauren Zahakaylo

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