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10 Things You Didn't Know About Employee Incentive Programs

May 4, 2021 10:00:00 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo posted in Incentive, Motivating Employees, Recognition Program, Employee Recognition, Infographic


Recognizing employee performance is THE BEST way a company can increase productivity, reduce absences, and improve workforce engagement and retention. The results will be dramatic. 

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Trends in Employee Recognition

Mar 25, 2021 12:10:33 PM / by Julie Feece posted in Motivating Employees, Incentive Program, Recognition Program, Employee Recognition


Employee recognition programs, once considered a “nice” but non-essential component of human resources, have changed dramatically over the last several years. This shift parallels a growing understanding of the importance of retaining top-performing employees and re-engineering employee recognition as a core business function.

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