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Five Tips for Retaining Good Employees.

Feb 8, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro

Employee excited to get out of the office for vacation.

It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to hire the right person for your company.  Even the best employees will eventually leave if they feel unappreciated and undervalued. So how do you keep good people around? Here are five simple ways to keep your best employees engaged.



Five Ways to Retain.

#1 Create an inclusive and flexible workplace.

Don't be afraid to set boundaries but remember to stay flexible. You want your employees to feel like they're part of a family and that they are valued members of the team, but you also want them to get their jobs done in a timely manner without distractions. One way to do this is by creating an inclusive workplace where people with different skill sets are given opportunities for growth within their current positions or even outside of them. This gives them more options if they'd like more responsibility or challenge at work—and if you're lucky enough, these perks might even attract new talent!


#2 Communicate early and often.

Communicating with your staff regularly and clearly is an important part of keeping good employees. This could either be a weekly meeting or a digital dashboard that communicates major changes coming up. Make sure that they know what is expected of them and how their work fits into the overall goals of the company. At the same time, give them opportunities for input on projects or changes in policy so they have some say in how things happen around here. Having open lines of communication is key if you want employees who feel like they belong rather than just being hired hands who do what's asked without question or complaint.


#3 Be clear about your expectations.

A lot of managers think they're doing a great job by providing pay, benefits, and promotions—and they're right! Those things are important. However, there are other things you can do to ensure that your employees are happy and stay with your company long-term. To get started: Be clear about your expectations! Make sure that you tell each employee exactly what is expected of him or her at work each week. This shows respect for the person's time and helps him or her stay focused while working hard toward his or her goals within the company structure.


#4 Give them room to grow.

Don’t just promote them for being good at their current job; make sure they are learning new skills as well. You want your employees to be able to work on multiple projects and take on new responsibilities to advance in their careers. This is especially important if your company has a culture where people get promoted based on how long they have worked at the company rather than how much value they bring to it. Encourage them to take on projects outside their usual scope of work and help them learn about those areas by training them and supporting them when necessary.


#5 Show employees you appreciate them.

A pat on the back or a gift card may seem trivial, but they show that you notice when your employee goes above and beyond for the company. According to the Best Travel Gifts, the gift industry will grow by $14.6 billion until 2025. Work with us at RPG Card Services to provide the best gift cards for you and your team. Take your appreciation one step further by hosting an Employee Appreciation Day or a party when you have a major milestone to celebrate. This is a great way to show employees that they’re valued and appreciated by the company.


And that's all for now.

If you treat your employees well, they'll stay with you for years to come. It's a simple formula, but one that many companies still struggle with. The good news is that making the effort to create an inclusive and flexible workplace doesn't mean investing lots of money or time. It just takes patience and consideration for others' needs—which sounds like something we can all do!


Sources: The 30 Latest Gift Industry Statistics (2023) (thebesttravelgifts.com)

Tags: Motivating Employees, Employee Recognition, Employee Engagement, Retainment

Julianna Castro

Written by Julianna Castro

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