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Smart Tips to Attract New Customers

Jan 28, 2021 2:18:27 PM / by Lauren Zahakaylo

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Now that 2021 is here, you may be looking for new ways to attract new customers to your business. With the hope of a new year and vaccines being made available for COVID-19, there is a light at the end of the tunnel after a challenging 2020. There are a variety of ways that you can attract new customers to your business. Below are five smart tips that can help you get new customers in the door this year.

Offer New Customer Discounts or Promotions

Customers are always looking for value and deals. A great way to lure them to your business is by offering an introductory discount or a special offer if they are a new customer. Promotions like these are a tried-and-true method that attracts new customers who have been considering doing business with you but need that extra push.

Referral Program

Customer loyalty is precious in many ways. One crucial way is that the loyalist customers are those most likely to refer your business to others. Current customers are your most significant source for bringing in a new customer. However, make sure you’re not passive and wait for them to bring new business to you. Take control and create a systemized approach that actively engages your customers to get referrals. You can do this by building referral-generating activities into the sales process. Send follow-up emails to make sure customers are happy with your business, and then another follows up email asking for referrals. Offering an incentive for referrals is a great way to motivate customers to bring forward a referral.


Meeting new people is one of the best ways to raise brand awareness and educate them on what your business does. You can grow your network by joining your trade association, your local chamber of commerce, and networking organizations. You can attend networking events and tradeshows where you can meet with others in your industry. Face to face meetings is a priceless way to gain new customers.

Update Your Website

Online search is an excellent way for people to find new businesses. This means that your website must do the heavy lifting so that customers can find you. Review your search engine marketing and search engine optimization tactics and techniques, including making sure your website is entirely mobile-friendly. Even your site design can make a difference. Having too many graphics can slow it down, which is a big customer turnoff. If you have don’t have in-house help, think about hiring a website design expert or even an SEO expert to help you out.

Take Advantage of Online Ratings and Review Sites

Both in B2B and B2C worlds, consumers turn to online ratings and review sites before doing business with a company they aren’t familiar with. Therefore, make sure you are monitoring those sites and respond to any complaints. Make the most of positive reviews by linking them to your website. Encourage your customers to review your business online. Social proof is a powerful tool, and new customers are more likely to give your business a try if they see others giving it a positive review.


Sources: 10 Great Ways to Attract New Customers to Your Business .... https://www.allbusiness.com/attract-new-customers-business-125728-1.html

Tags: Customer Loyalty, Referral Program, Customer Acquisition

Lauren Zahakaylo

Written by Lauren Zahakaylo

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