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Productivity Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Office.

May 12, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Julianna Castro

Empty office desk

Spring is a time of renewal and the perfect way to start fresh in your office. There are many ways to get rid of clutter, including purging old files, clearing away unneeded furniture, and even rethinking the layout of your office space. In addition to these tangible ways of tidying up, there are some more abstract ways you can clean up your workspace as well: by systematizing your cleaning processes so that they're easier for everyone involved (including yourself!) to follow through on each week. Here are our tips for spring cleaning in the office!


Four Ways to Clean Your Workspace.

Decluttering the Desk

  • Get rid of what you don't need. This is the most important step, and it can be difficult to do. Start by emptying your desk and putting everything into boxes or bags, then sort through them and throw out anything that isn't necessary for your daily work.
  • Organize what remains on your desk efficiently so that you can find things easily when needed, like using labels or filing systems.
  • Keep things in the same place every day so they don't get lost in clutter again! Use a label maker if necessary, so that all files are clearly identifiable.


Organize Your Office Resources

  • Keep a bin of supplies for cleaning. You'll want to have a variety of tools on hand to help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. A bucket, dustpan, broom, mop and vacuum cleaner can all be useful in getting your office space back in order after the winter months have left it looking messy.
  • Keep a bin of supplies for organizing and don't forget about labeling! It's important that you are able to find everything easily when you need it; otherwise, you could end up wasting time searching through piles of paperwork that may or may not be relevant at this moment in time (or ever).
  • Keep all of your supplies in one place so that you can easily grab what you need when it's time for a clean-up. If space is limited, try using a small table or shelf as a designated “supply station” for your cleaning materials. This will help keep them organized and easy to find when you need them.


Maintain a Clean Kitchen and Break Space

  • Don't forget the kitchen and rest areas. Your kitchen is a place of productivity, so it's important to keep it clean. By doing so, you'll prevent bugs and funny smells from building up in the air and on surfaces.
  • Clean regularly. A clean kitchen means fewer germs for everyone who uses it--and if they don't have access to hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes (which can be hard on skin), they'll have an easier time staying healthy!
  • Don't forget about the fridge door handle--it gets dirty quickly! And don't forget about microwaves either; those buttons get sticky fast too!


Systematize Your Cleaning Processes

  • Create a cleaning schedule. It's important to keep a schedule for when you clean your kitchen. This will help you stay on top of things and ensure that you're always prepared for visitors or a big party! If possible, create two schedules: one for daily cleaning and another for weekly or monthly cleaning.
  • Make sure you have the right supplies on hand. You don't want to run out of supplies while you're cleaning! Make sure you have enough paper towels, sponges and disinfectants on hand so that you can keep up with the messes in your kitchen.
  • Clean in small batches, and only focus on one area at a time (like your desk or filing cabinet). This will help keep your motivation up and prevent burnout from trying to do too much at once.
  • Finish one task at a time. As soon as you finish one task, move on to another--for example, clean all of your files before moving onto other areas of the office!


And That's All for Now.

Spring is the perfect time to clean your office and get it ready for the new season. Take some time to declutter your desk, organize your resources, maintain a clean kitchen and break space--and systematize your cleaning processes!


Julianna Castro

Written by Julianna Castro

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