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Elements of a Successful Recognition Program.

Apr 18, 2022 10:43:00 AM / by Julianna Castro

People sharing a handshake with people clapping around them at a meeting

Whether you're just starting an employee recognition program or improving an existing one, it is helpful to take a step back and ask yourself if you've really weighed all the options for each element of your program. Be a part of the 86%-88% of companies who set up a recognition program to increase employee engagement and create a culture of recognition. Here is how to get started on yours.


#1 Establish a Goal

The first step is to create a goal and brainstorm about what a culture of recognition looks like. Keep recognition at the forefront before, during, and after your program is launched. The richer your culture becomes, the more impact your program will have on your employees’ motivation and engagement. By investing more time and effort in recognizing employees, business leaders will see big changes in their workplace. Take your time, get to know your team, and create a culture of recognition that your organization can be proud of.


#2 Businesses with Happy Employees are More Likely to Succeed

When recognition efforts are thoughtful and sincere, they strengthen the relationship between employees and your organization. They also help strengthen behavior based on your company's values, mission, vision, and strategy. If you want your employees to be happy, dedicated, and productive, you need to let them know that their hard work is recognized and appreciated. The impact of awards and recognition on mental health is astounding, especially as we transition to a work from home culture. Around 64% of employees say that recognition and gratitude are even more important when working from home. It’s easy to disregard simple recognition, but it’s the little things that make a difference to feel more connected and part of the team.


#3 Educate Again and Again

Take every opportunity to talk about the program. It takes time to change attitudes, behaviors, and to educate employees on what this program looks like. A short introductory video explaining your program and how to use it can be an effective way to spread your key messages and keep people informed. Personalize it by including the CEO or your employees from different areas of the company, explaining what recognition means to them.


#4 Foster a Positive Work Environment

Normalize and share when you see recognition thriving in your new program. Share some of these points in other communication channels with employees to encourage a good start to their day. If possible, start your program with a specific recognition event, such as Motivational Monday or Feel-Good Friday. Companies whose employees rate their recognition programs highly are 79% more likely to rate their employer brand higher. Even if budgets are tight, a positive work culture can be created with some creativity and teamwork.


#5 Accept Feedback

Communicate the program clearly to employees and consider what outcomes you want to gain after implementing this plan in your business. Many companies now include an employee recognition plan page on their websites. Evaluate the plan and get feedback on the success or areas of improvement from managers and employees.  These ideas will act as a blueprint that follows best practices and reflects your company’s DNA.


#6 Create a Leader’s Committee

Regardless of the size of your company, assign multiple people to be responsible for implementing, managing, and creating reward programs. A well-chosen committee will help you implement the program effectively by disseminating information and building conviction about rewards and recognition programs to all staff. This encourages positive feedback from all members of the organization and allows for a diverse committee to decide which employees should be recognized. This is one way to reduce bias and uphold your program’s integrity.


#7 Personalize Honest Recognition

Gallup data shows that the most effective recognition is honest, credible, and personalized based on the way each employee wants to be acknowledged. When identifying employees to reward, explain the reason. This helps employees associate their hard work with achievement. Everyone should be recognized, no matter how big or small their individual role is. Tell employees that you value their contributions to the company whenever you see fit. Don’t wait a week later to tell them they had a great presentation at the last meeting. Be as specific as possible and explain why their work stands out. The time you take to emphasize the value of their impact will shape how they view the company.


These steps act as a starting point to get you on the right track in recognizing the employees you manage. Although there is no one-size-fits-all plan for every organization, a recognition program enriches corporate culture, increases employee engagement, reduces employee turnover, and prioritizes employee satisfaction.


Sources: https://www.fond.co/blog/3-sample-employee-recognition-programs/; https://www.talentlyft.com/en/blog/article/285/20-ideas-for-employee-recognition-programs; https://www.qualtrics.com/experience-management/employee/employee-recognition-programs/; https://www.award.co/blog/best-employee-recognition-programs; https://nectarhr.com/blog/employee-recognition-program; https://www.rewardgateway.com/au/blog/how-to-introduce-an-employee-recognition-program; https://www.octanner.com/insights/articles/2019/4/3/your_comprehensive_g.html; https://www.greatplacetowork.com/resources/blog/creating-a-culture-of-recognition; https://engagedly.com/starting-an-employee-recognition-program/; https://www.achievers.com/blog/employee-recognition-program/; https://optimumhr.net/creating-an-employee-recognition-program/; https://blog.vantagecircle.com/build-employee-rewards-and-recognition-program/; https://www.applauz.me/en/employee-recognition-program

Tags: Motivating Employees, Teamwork, Recognition Program, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement

Julianna Castro

Written by Julianna Castro

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