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Easy Strategies to Acquire More Customers

Aug 27, 2020 4:03:07 PM / by Lauren Zahakaylo

Customer Acquisition

Gaining new customers is essential for any business, and there are many different strategies you can use to acquire more customers. Sometimes all these different strategies can seem overwhelming, so we have drilled it down to a few easy methods that you could implement to gain more customers.

Use Social Media

Social media is essential to gaining and nurturing new customers. Paying for advertising on social media is one way to engage new customers, but so are organic, regular posts to your pages. Using these two tools, hand-in-hand, will help ensure you're covering all social media engagement areas for customer acquisition. While advertising will help bring in new customers, having posts, and posting regularly on your page will show those possible new customers that you engage on social media regularly. They will know that you use social media to nurture your business and not just use it for advertising.

Referral Programs

Word of mouth is a tried and true way for individuals to refer to a business, product, or service. Therefore, setting up a referral program is a great way to acquire new customers. You can set up a program where a current customer refers a new customer; they get a fee or a reward. One way you can do that is through gift cards. You can use gift cards as a way to incent others to refer your business to others. Giving a reward will provide them with an extra incentive to spread the word and get your business's name out there.

Make a Name in Your Industry

Making sure your name is out in the industry is essential for gaining new customers. Make sure you are contributing to your industry in many different ways. You can contribute by attending industry conferences or events, contributing your expertise to newsletters or blogs, creating valuable content on the industry that customers can use, and following industry professionals and businesses on social media. The more you're active in your industry, the more you will position your business as a leader.


Tags: Customer Loyalty, Referral Program, Customer Acquisition

Lauren Zahakaylo

Written by Lauren Zahakaylo

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