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Don't Take It Personally, Treat It Personally

Aug 12, 2020 11:50:44 AM / by Lauren Zahakaylo

Customer Service


Word of mouth is not the only way customers are sharing their experiences in businesses. Websites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook offer customers a chance to express their views and thoughts about

businesses with just a few clicks of a button. These can either help or harm a business dramatically.

If other site users come across a negative review, they may think twice about stopping by a location to do business. In general, customers are more likely to post about a negative experience to warn others away, than to post about a positive one. Responding to negative reviews and encouraging positive ones can drive more web-searching customers to your store.


Encourage Reviews

Print up a sign that says, “Review us online!” or ask customers directly to leave a review about your business. In the online world, if a business has more reviews, potential customers see that as the business has a lot of foot traffic. Plus, this shows potential customers that your location is worth taking a visit to try out themselves.


Do not take it personally

Unless you have gone out of your way to directly insult a customer (which should not happen in the first place!), don’t take the bad review personally. Sometimes, customers take out their daily frustrations online and may post something outrageously negative about your business just because the opportunity presented itself. When reading a negative review, take a deep breath, and respond when you’re less agitated. Firing back at the customer will only make things worse.


Respond to all online reviews

Good, bad, or ugly, responding to a negative review is essential in showing customers you’re listening. For positive reviews, thank the customer for taking the time to write something nice about your business. For negative reviews, apologize for any inconvenience, and offer to have them come back in for a second try. Consider offering them a discounted purchase to entice them to come back once more so you can make things right with them.


Not sure if your business is being reviewed online? Go to Google.com and search your business. Google will let you know if anyone has reviewed your business. If you want more control of where your business is being review, consider signing up for Facebook, Yelp, and Google+.



Tags: Customer Service

Lauren Zahakaylo

Written by Lauren Zahakaylo

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