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A Guide to Employee Team Building

Jan 10, 2024 10:52:30 AM / by Julianna Castro

A Guide to Employee Team Building 5 Steps You Need to Know

Planning the right employee team-building event is a lot of work. There are so many things to consider, from location and activities to catering and transportation. In this post, we'll walk you through the process of planning an employee team-building event and make it as easy as possible for you!


Breaking Down Team Bonding in 4 Ways


The planning process of team building is a crucial step in fostering collaboration, improving communication, and boosting morale within an organization. This process typically begins with identifying the objectives of the team-building activity, such as enhancing problem-solving skills, breaking down barriers between departments, or celebrating a recent success.


Next, it's essential to select an appropriate team-building format that aligns with the desired outcomes; for instance, a company looking to improve cross-functional collaboration might opt for a team-based escape room experience, while a business aiming to boost creativity could choose an art workshop. Once the format is chosen, logistics such as scheduling, budgeting, and securing a suitable venue must be carefully considered to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants.


Additionally, it's vital to communicate the expectations and goals of the team-building activity to all team members so they understand the purpose and can fully engage in the experience. For example, a company that has recently merged two departments might explain that the team-building event is designed to help employees get to know each other and foster a collaborative working environment. By thoughtfully planning each aspect of the team-building process, organizations can create impactful experiences that strengthen team dynamics.


The Event

The event is where employees come together to work on a common goal and/or learn about themselves and their teammates in new ways. The goal of an event can vary widely depending on what you're trying to achieve, but it should always be fun! You can choose activities based on what fits best with your goals, but make sure they're safe enough for all ages and abilities. Organizing an activity involves making sure everything goes smoothly. Here is a checklist of what you might need the day of:

  • Finalized list of attendees: Ensure you have an accurate list of all attendees, including any last-minute changes or additions.
  • Venue confirmation: Double-check the booking details for the event venue, including the date, time, and any specific setup requirements.
  • Activity materials and equipment: Gather and organize all necessary materials and equipment for the team bonding activity, such as props, games, or art supplies.
  • Event agenda: Print out a detailed agenda or schedule for the day's activities, including any breaks, meals, or presentations.
  • Name tags or badges: Prepare name tags to facilitate introductions and networking.
  • Signage: Guide attendees to the event location, restrooms, or breakout areas.
  • Audio/visual equipment: Set up and test any audio/visual equipment required for presentations, music, or videos.
  • Catering and refreshments: Confirm the catering arrangements, including menu choices, dietary restrictions, and delivery or setup times. Arrange for refreshments, such as water, coffee, tea, and snacks, to be available throughout the event.
  • Seating and table arrangements: Set up seating and table arrangements according to the event's format and any specific requirements.
  • Icebreakers or warm-up activities: Prepare a few icebreakers or warm-up activities to help attendees feel more comfortable and engaged at the beginning of the event.
  • Emergency contact information: Keep a list of emergency contact numbers for key personnel, such as the venue coordinator, caterer, or team members, in case of any unexpected issues.



You need to make sure your team is comfortable with one another, on the same page, and engaged in the activities you choose. Engagement involves focusing on the shared experience —whether it be a team game or simply sharing lunch together —and making sure everyone involved gets something out of it.


If you're planning an event that involves everyone coming together as a group (for example, an offsite retreat or meeting), then it's important that there are no outsiders on your team who might feel left out. If this is something that concerns you, try doing something small beforehand so everyone gets acquainted with each other before being thrown into full-force interaction with one another.


Follow Up

The importance of feedback cannot be understated. If you want engagement from your employees, then make sure that you're giving them plenty of opportunities for constructive criticism as well! It's important to use this time as a catalyst for change and encourage employees to share what they learned with their teams, as well as how it can be applied in their day-to-day activities. Here are a couple ways you can follow up:

  • Anonymous feedback box: Set up an anonymous feedback box at the event or in the office where attendees can drop written feedback or suggestions without fear of judgement.
  • Group debrief session: Schedule a group debrief session shortly after the event, allowing attendees to share their thoughts, experiences, and insights in a structured and open discussion.
  • Post-event email: Send a follow-up email to all attendees, thanking them for their participation and inviting them to share their feedback via a reply or an embedded survey link.
  • Post-event survey: Distribute a digital or paper survey to all attendees after the event, asking for their feedback on various aspects of the team bonding experience, such as the activity, venue, and overall satisfaction.


And That’s All for Now!

In conclusion, employee team building is a great way to engage your employees and create a sense of community within your organization. It can also help you discover new talents among your staff that may not have been tapped before. By following these four steps, you will be able to create memories that last for years and make everyone involved feel like they are part of something special!

Tags: Motivating Employees, Happy Employees, Employee Engagement, Employee Experience, Workplace Culture, Retainment

Julianna Castro

Written by Julianna Castro

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