RPG Card Services Blog

Top Five Workplace Culture Trends for 2023.

Written by Julianna Castro | Jan 18, 2023 4:00:00 PM


The workplace has changed a lot over the last few years. People are more connected and better able to communicate with each other, no matter where they are located. The use of technology is becoming increasingly popular as employees spend more time on their mobile devices and computers than ever before. However, these changes aren't all about the tools that we use—they're also about how we interact with each other.

Top Five List.

#1 Alternative Work Schedules.

With the rise of flexible work schedules, more employees are finding more time in their schedule for personal activities, elective health care visits, family events, etc. In fact, it's not uncommon for an employee to take off a Friday afternoon to watch the kids' soccer game and then come back on Saturday morning before starting their workday again. No longer do employers have to worry about whether or not employees will use their time off responsibly. The freedom to choose their own hours also allows them to schedule around their personal lives, which helps keep employees happier.

#2 Communalism and Company Culture.

The second trend is communalism, which is the idea that employees are more productive and happier when they work together. For example, if two employees develop a way to streamline their jobs, then all the other employees benefit from this. Achieve this by having open spaces where everyone can talk and collaborate with each other. Communalism also makes them happier because they feel more integrated into the company and like they are part of something bigger than themselves. It’s important for companies to implement this type of workplace culture so that their staff feel valued and appreciated.

#3 Remote and Off-Site Work.

Remote work is becoming more popular and for good reason—it saves companies money, increases employee engagement, satisfaction and retention. Employees who work remotely can be more productive when they have the ability to work in a quiet environment free of distractions. Additionally, being able to take off-site breaks (such as going on hiking trips) will increase positive emotions while reducing stress levels—key factors when it comes to overall employee wellness!

#4 Increased Use of Technology in the Workplace.

Technology helps make work more efficient, enabling employees to get more done in less time and providing leaders with better tools for tracking performance and productivity metrics. It can also help improve quality of life at work, allowing workers to stay connected with each other even if they're physically apart from each other. If you aren't using a project management site for your business, you may be falling behind. Check-out this list from ProjectTools.Io to help compare the top five project management sites people are using.

#5 Emphasis on Holistic Wellness for Employees.

Holistic wellness is about more than just exercise and nutrition. It also includes emotional well-being, social health and even spiritual growth. The idea is that a healthy body is the foundation for healthy living—and in turn, leads to greater productivity at work. Many companies have started offering holistic wellness programs in recent years as part of their benefits package for employees (in fact, many large employers are now spending nearly 5% of payroll on employee wellness).

Technology plays an important role here too. There are many different ways you can use technology such as mobile apps or even smart watches like Apple Watch Series 4 which allows users track your heart rate throughout each day. Employees can set up reminders when they should get up from their desks, drink water, or remember to take breaks throughout the day. The rise of meditation apps like Headspace or Calm shows that increasing numbers of people are interested in meditation and mindfulness techniques. These activities can provide mental clarity while reducing stress levels — which will ultimately lead to improved performance at work!

And that's all for now.

We’ve covered a lot of ground here, but there’s still much more to learn. The best way to keep up with workplace culture trends is to stay informed, read our blog and engage in conversation with other employees and employers.

References: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/happy-overjoyed-business-team-celebrate-corporate victory_21149733.htm#query=employees&position=19&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by fabrikasimf</a> on Freepik