RPG Card Services Blog

Safely Reward with Digital Gift Cards

Written by Lauren Zahakaylo | Aug 17, 2020 9:54:04 PM


Now more than ever, we need to be thankful we live in a digital world. With the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have gone digital more than they ever have before. Companies all over the world are having their employees work from home to stop the spread of COVID-19. While doing this, businesses are looking for ways to keep their team movitaved but also keep them safe.

That is where digital gift cards and e-codes come in. Before the pandemic, businesses were using digital gift cards and ecodes to motivate their employees in a quick and convenient way. Now this convenience can be taken one step further - by rewarding employees contact free.


Digital gift cards and e-codes offer a way to safely reward, motivate and support their employees during these uncertain times. There is no safer way to reward than with digital gift cards which can be completely bought, given and spent online with zero face to face interaction. Businesses are using digital gift cards and e-codes to keep their employees who are working remotely motivated, helping employees who may be struggling or just giving a gift to show kindness during this crisis.


Digital gift cards and eCodes are the ideal paperless experience for businesses of all kinds. It eliminates the wait of a physical card but also keeps recipients safe and protected.


RPG offers a secure, reliable platform for sending digital gift cards directly to recipients. We have a wide variety of top brands of digital gift cards that you can choose from. Keep your employees safe and motivated with RPG!