RPG Card Services Blog

Ideas For Rewarding Your Loyal Customers This Holiday Season.

Written by Julianna Castro | Dec 7, 2022 4:30:00 PM

The holidays are a busy time, on top of being the ideal opportunity to show customers that they matter and generate additional revenue. Your customers are expecting to receive exceptional, personalized experiences along with tempting rewards to remain loyal in the new year. To retain your highest-spending customers, use rewards to foster loyalty and customer satisfaction beyond the first time they interact with your company. To help you get started, here are some ideas.


Emphasize to your team why customers need rewards.

Loyal customers are worth their weight in gold. They are more likely to leave reviews, spend more money, and are less likely to be price-sensitive when you offer a discount. It is much easier for a loyal customer to spend $100 than it is for someone who has only just begun shopping for your brand.



Create a holiday guide and offer free shipping.

Major retailers such as Bed, Bath, and Beyond® and Target utilize holiday gift guides that assist the large retailers’ customers in their holiday shopping. You can create an e-book detailing ways for your customers to relax and de-stress during the holiday season. As a bonus, include a coupon for free shipping. This discount is a great way to reward customers if you are not in the holiday gift-giving business. Giving away free shipping for a limited time (like during the holidays) is an excellent way to increase sales and keep your loyal customers happy while not breaking the bank!



Host a holiday party.

You have built a community of loyal customers that love your business. Throw a party and invite your customers! You can get as fancy or as casual as you want, but make sure there are plenty of snacks for everyone to munch on, a gift raffle, and plenty of fun activities if held in-person. Let them know how much they mean to you by making the event personalized and special—it will mean the world to them!



Get social on social media.

Use the power of social media to get the word out about your holiday promotions and giveaways. Share posts from your customers, giving them an opportunity to show off their new purchases or simply their love for your store. Sharing pictures of your customers allows brands to connect with their audiences by showcasing real people who love what they do. You can even go a step further by soliciting consumer feedback on products, services, or events to improve future offerings!



Show your appreciation with gift cards.

Gift cards are a great way to show your appreciation and reward someone while keeping them coming back. Use them for anything from groceries to gas at the pump. It is also a great way to reward your employees, who will have their own unique needs during the holidays. Gift cards can be redeemed at more than 200,000 locations nationwide or even digitally.


From department stores like Sears and Macy's to fast food chains such as Subway and Pizza Hut, there is something for everyone with our extensive selection of gift card options. Get started by visiting our website today and view our full list of brands at bit.ly/RPGbrands!



Send out festive holiday cards.

When was the last time you received a physical card? Stay in touch with your customers by emailing or mailing holiday cards. If you are sending an email version, make sure that you include a discount code or coupon for your next purchase. This will be a nice surprise for anyone who receives one! If you decide to send physical cards this year, personalize each one. For example, “Happy Holidays from Joe at Company X!” It does not have to be anything fancy—just something that lets the recipient know their name has been remembered!



Personalize and add tips on how to use your products.

Think about ways you can add free value for your customers. Nobody knows your product or service better than you, so why not give them tips or product hacks on how to optimize their experience? For example, incorporate a few home remedies inspired by your services or develop best practices for how to use your product. Your knowledge will increase your product’s value, encouraging new or existing customers to give the product or service a shot.    



Give away extra loyalty points before the holidays.

Giving away loyalty points increases the likelihood that customers will purchase prior to the holidays. It should be fun and easy for your customers to get their points and to redeem them for free gifts and discounts. It could be as simple as giving 100 free points for all rewards members. You could even integrate loyalty into holiday wish lists, rewarding customers for creating and sharing their own lists.



Exclusive custom promo codes.

A rewards program can speed up a customer’s lifecycle, encouraging a customer who is in his or her first or second year of service to behave more like a tenth-year customerbut only when planned and executed in conjunction with an overall loyalty management strategy. Your customers will be excited to learn that it is now easier to get multiple rewards. Exclusive promo codes are an awesome way to reward customer loyalty. Make sure your custom holiday deals address their interests and needs.



Get started now.

There are so many ways that you can show your customers how much you value them. From hosting a holiday party to sending out festive holiday cards, we hope these ideas inspire you to create something special for your loyal customers this year!



Cited Sources: https://blog.smile.io/top-6-holiday-rewards-program-campaigns/, https://technologytherapy.com/3-ways-to-reward-customer-loyalty-build-relationships-2020-holiday-season/, https://poket.com/5-ideas-for-the-holiday-rewards-program/, https://antavo.com/blog/holiday-rewards-program/, https://merchant.loyalnsave.com/blog/strategy/the-best-ways-to-reward-customers-during-the-holidays, https://www.nexa.com/article/giving-back-how-to-reward-loyal-customers-this-holiday-season, https://hbr.org/1995/05/do-rewards-really-create-loyalty, https://blog.hubspot.com/service/customer-loyalty-beyond-holiday-sales, https://blog.clover.com/7-tips-turn-holiday-shoppers-loyal-customers/, https://www.ampd.io/blog/5-ways-to-turn-holiday-shoppers-into-loyal-customers, https://printingspecialists.com/tempe-arizona-12-christmas-marketing-ideas-build-customer-loyalty/, https://thewisemarketer.com/customer-engagement/loyalty-programs-for-holiday-season-campaigns/, https://www.lilachbullock.com/loyalty-program-ideas-holiday-sales/, https://www.annexcloud.com/blog/10-customer-loyalty-marketing-tips-for-the-2018-holiday-season/