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Hire Generation Z: How to Attract and Retain the Best Young Talent

Written by Julianna Castro | Aug 3, 2023 3:00:00 PM

If you've ever wondered why certain employees have so much energy and are always looking to start new projects, the answer might be more straightforward than you think: they're young. Millennials and Generation Z workers are more ambitious, confident, and willing to take risks than their older colleagues. And while they may drive you wild with their ideas or love of open office spaces, these characteristics can help your company grow in ways you never imagined. Check out how!



How to Attract Gen Z:

Generation Z is Different from Previous Generations

They are the most entrepreneurial generation in history and are more likely to leave a job if they don't feel like they are being challenged or progressing. In contrast, older generations tend to stay with their employers regardless of how much they dislike them if they have job security and benefits. This means that they have different expectations from employers. To attract the best young talent, you must understand what makes them tick. Here are some important things for companies to keep in mind when recruiting Generation Z:

  • They've been raised on technology and expect that information will always be available at their fingertips. If it isn't, they won't accept excuses!
  • Generation Z wants immediate feedback on their work so they know if they're doing well--and if there are areas where improvement can be made (and how). This means employers need effective performance management systems before hiring millennials (or any other employee). If not already established, these processes should be implemented as soon as possible after onboarding new employees so everyone is clear on expectations in the future.
  • Generation Z is the most diverse generation in history and wants to work for socially responsible companies.

When hiring new employees, ensure you know what kind of person fits into your company culture before bringing them on board!


Recruit on Social Media

Social media is a great place to find talent. It's also an excellent way to communicate with candidates, get to know them, and make the interview process more efficient. Post job openings on various platforms, such as Instagram or Twitter, where thousands will see them as potential applicants. Use social networks like LinkedIn as a gateway into communicating with potential candidates in real time about their skillsets, experience, and aspirations for future roles within your company. This can help you gain insight into what makes them tick, enabling you both to make better hiring decisions later (or even right now!).


Employee advocacy plays a crucial role in posting open job positions, as it leverages the power of your current employees to help recruit new talent. You can tap into their networks by involving your team in sharing job opportunities on social media and reaching a wider audience of potential candidates. This increases the visibility of your job postings and adds credibility, as prospective applicants are more likely to trust a referral from someone they know. Employee advocacy showcases your company culture and demonstrates that your team is engaged and proud to work for your organization – the most significant green flag for any company!


Use Technology to Make the Recruiting Process Relatable and Efficient

Generation Z - the digital-savvy, meme-loving, and hashtag-wielding cohort that has taken the world by storm. When it comes to hiring these tech natives, you can't just rely on the same old recruitment tactics. You've got to speak their language, slide into their DMs, and make TikToks that showcase your company's culture. Forget job boards and traditional interviews; it's time to fire up your Instagram Stories and create filters to attract the best and brightest of Gen Z. By embracing the platforms and technology they love, you'll not only pique their interest but also prove that your company is innovative, forward-thinking, and a perfect fit for their emoji-filled, fast-paced world.


When it comes to interviewing, use video interviews, online tests and assessments, screening tools, and applications to make the interview process more efficient. Let them use their own devices for the discussion to bring up any information relevant to the conversation, such as previous projects and portfolios. Using a mix of online and in-person interviews will also help save time and money for you and your candidate, which everyone can appreciate!


Make Your Company a Cool Place to Work

The best way to attract the next generation of talent is by making your company an exciting and attractive place. Create a fun culture where employees feel supported at every stage in their careers--and don't forget about work-life balance. Be flexible about work hours, dress codes, and other rules that must be updated or revised. Your younger hires will appreciate this approach! You should also provide continuous learning opportunities; this keeps employees engaged and excited about coming into the office every day because they know there'll always be something new there too!


Finally, give Gen Zers a sense of purpose in their jobs, or else they'll find somewhere else where people care about making positive change through their efforts rather than just earning money for showing up each morning. They want to feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves, so offer them growth opportunities, a say in how the business is run, or even what products get developed next.


And That's All for Now

The bottom line is that Generation Z is a different breed of worker. Companies that understand their recruiting needs will be able to retain them for years to come, but those who don't will lose out on this valuable resource. Hire Generation Z by recruiting on social media, using technology in interviews, and making your company a cool place where young people want to work!